Native missioanry preaching the Gospel

About Native Missions

Native Missions & the Great Commission

How is it possible for a Christian who has been blessed with the gift of knwoledge of the gospel and is filled with the Holy Spirit to remain unmoved by the 2 billion plus of people in the world who have yet to hear the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we are truly Christ like, the sheer multitude of lost souls will move us to compassion (Matthew 9:36), great sorrow and unceasing grief (Romans 9:2) until all the world has been given the oportunity to accept or deny God's call to repentance.

The sincerity of our Christian confession and faith must be questioned if we are not willing to do everything that is within our ability to make Jesus Christ known among the nations, and to endure all things for the sake of God’s elect (II Timothy 2:10). Second only to loving God, our great addiction should be that of laying down our lives so that Gospel may go forth into every nation; giving every man, woman, and child the opportunity to hear the awesome news of redemption that awaits them all through the preaching of Jesus Christ.  

Although Freedom From Chains (FFC) recognizes the great need and the importance of sending cross-cultural missionaries from the "west" to bring the Gospel of Christ to the unevangelized peoples throughout the world, we believe that we are called by God to support native missionaries so that they might evangelize their own people. We work with indigenous churches and their elders, seeking men and women who are filled with the Holy Spirit so we may partner with them and help them to preach the Gospel where it never been heard and to plant churches where none have existed before.

Native Missionaries, The Key To Reaching Unreached People Worldwide

missionary preaching the word

Today, there are over 2.8 people in the world (40% of the world’s population) live in spiritual darkness, and without hope. They have never been given the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. They are known as the unreached people groups and every day between 60 to 80 thousand die and slip into eternity without knowing God.

A staggering 97 percent of them live within the boundaries of the 10/40 Window; an imaginary rectangular boundary that encompasses an area that lies between 10 to 40 degrees north latitude, stretching from the northwest tip of Africa, across the Middle East and Southeast Asia to the Pacific Ocean.

The unreached remain lost and separated from God because they lack access to the very gospel that can save them. Restricted because most unreached people live in nations whose leaders, people, culture, and traditions have obstructed the preaching of the gospel by any means necessary. They violently oppose anything that appears to be "Christian" in nature and persecute those who practice the faith. Today, over 90 percent of unevangelized nations have closed their borders to non-native missionaries. So, how can the church and its believers reach the unreached with the forces opposing us? Two words: "native missionaries”.

Up until the early 1940’s, most of the missions work among the unreached was being done by faithful missionaries from North America and Europe. Today, about 90% of all pioneer missionary work is done by native missionaries. Our churches have been slow to properly respond to this demographical shift in missions.

About 90% of what American churches give for missions work is currently being allocated to American missionaries who are doing less than 10% of all pioneer missions work. The other 10% is going to support the tens of thousands of native missionaries who are risking their lives to bring the gospel to the unreached people. Even if we repent and start giving sacrificially to global missions, we will not reach all the unreached peoples without having a paradigm shift in the way the church approaches global missions.

We at Freedom From Chains believe that the key to giving every nation, tribe and people the opportunity to hear the Gospel preached is by working hand-in-hand with indigenous or native missionaries.

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